Women Supporting Women
Doug Silva, Brad Silva, Bob & Viola Silva got away with the crimes and the permanent harm they did to me. But more women today are getting justice. They are speaking up and being heard and witnessing true justice happen to their abusers, rapists, and the person who molested them.
Women supporting women are the enemies of sexual assault and domestic violence predators.
Mariska Hargitay - Power of Woman
"That survivors matter and can reclaim hopeful lives; patriarchal impunity needs to end; rape kit backlogs are unacceptable; and the language around rape has to change."
"Risky to let women speak? You're damn right it is. Too many women speaking brings change. Too many women speaking shapes the establishment. Too many women speaking means we get listened to more, and people might actually hear what we have to say. Look what happened when women started saying just two words: me, too," Hargitay said. "The backlash is evidence of how powerful those voices were, how powerful those voices are."
"Too many women bring change."
Good! That is what we need. More women supporting women.
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